CIRCChanMode Prototype

Stores a channel's current mode settings.


var object = new CIRCChanMode(parent);


parent The CIRCChannel to which this mode belongs.


You should never need to create an instance of this prototype; access the channel mode information through the CIRCChannel.mode property.


getModeStr Returns the complete mode string, as constructed from its component parts.
lock Locks the channel with a given key.
setInvite Sets or clears the invite-only mode.
setLimit Sets (n > 0) or clears (n <= 0) the user count limit.
setMode Sends the given mode string to the server with the channel pre-filled.
setModerated Sets or clears the moderation mode.
setPublicMessages Sets or clears the allow public messages mode.
setPublicTopic Sets or clears the public topic mode.
setPvt Sets or clears the private channel mode.
setSecret Sets or clears the secret channel mode.
unlock Unlocks the channel with a given key.

See Also

Source Code

function CIRCChanMode (parent)
this.parent = parent;
this.modeA = new Object();
this.modeB = new Object();
this.modeC = new Object();
this.modeD = new Object();
this.invite = false;
this.moderated = false;
this.publicMessages = true;
this.publicTopic = true;
this.secret = false;
this.pvt = false;
this.key = "";
this.limit = -1;